222 Opening Traps after 1.d4
Muller Karsten, Knaak Rainer
In this second volume, the two internationally recognised grandmaster authors – Rainer Knaak is considered an expert on the opening, and Karsten Müller on the endgame – now cover those traps which can be expected after the double advance of the white d-pawn.
There are traps lurking in every stage of a chess game, but we find them especially often in the opening. It is well known that you should learn from your mistakes, and after a thorough study of the first volume of this series, students will be well equipped to deal with the typical traps after 1.e4.
In this second volume, the two internationally recognised grandmaster authors – Rainer Knaak is considered an expert on the opening, and Karsten Müller on the endgame – now cover those traps which can be expected after the double advance of the white d-pawn. The scenario is basically the same: the victim makes some quite ‘normal’ move – a piece is developed, something is captured, or a threat is set up and parried. The reply, for the most part an unusual one and therefore totally unexpected, then almost inevitably leads to a rapid win for the ‘trapper’.
For every important opening after 1.d4 such as the Queen’s Gambit or the King’s Indian Defence, there are introductory texts with the most typical trap motifs, of which you should be aware.
There are two other important plus points of this genuinely entertaining book:
– as a welcome side effect, your own combinative ability is guaranteed to improve significantly;
– at the same time you can systematically expand your opening repertoire, in order yourself to set traps. As the legendary Frank Marshall liked to do. In the history of chess the American was virtually the ‘king of trappers’, because already from the very first move he was aiming to set a clever trap…
1 Sidelines
2 Trompowsky Attack
2.1 Typical motifs in the Trompowsky
2.2 Traps in the Trompowsky
3 Indian Sidelines
4 Volga Gambit
5 Modern Benoni
5.1 Typical motifs in the Modern Benoni
5.2 Traps in the Modern Benoni
6 Dutch Defence
6.1 Typical motifs in the Dutch
6.2 Traps in the Dutch
7 Queen`s Pawn Game and Queen`s Gambit
7.1 Typical motifs in the Queen`s Pawn Game and Queen`s Gambit
7.2 Traps in the Queen`s Pawn Game and Queen`s Gambit
8 Grunfeld Defence
8.1 Typical motifs in the Grunfeld
8.2 Traps in the Grunfeld
9 Catalan Opening
9.1 Typical motifs in the Catalan
9.2 Traps in the Catalan
10 Black Knights Tango
11 Queen`s Indian Defence
12 Nimzo-Indian Defence
12.1 Typical motifs in the Nimzo-Indian
12.2 Traps in the Nimzo-Indian
13 King`s Indian Defence
13.1 Typical motifs in the King`s Indian
13.2 Traps in the King`s Indian.
- Casa editrice Olms
- Code 5885
- Anno 2008
- Pagine p. 148
- Isbn 9783283010058