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Category:Chess Sets

Pieces and Chessboard combinations: in order to understand if the chess pieces you wish to buy match your chessboard or vice versa, here is some information to make some clarity:
Chessboards that have a square from 50 to 60 mm are the regular tournament chessboards (FIDE handbook 2017 art.3).
These chessboards can be combined with pieces with King height from 85 mm to 105 mm (FIDE handbook 2017 art.2). 
The choice depends on personal taste, in any case it will always be a tournament combination. 
The most common standard is with chessboards with the square of 55 mm and the pieces with King of 90 / 95 mm
Suggested combinations according to the various dimensions   
Pieces with King mm 62 = Chessboard with square mm 29 / 36  
Pieces with King mm 72 / 75 = Chessboard with square from mm 40 / 50 
Pieces with King mm 85 / 98 = Chessboard with square from mm 50 / 56 
Pieces with King mm 96 / 100 = Chessboard with square from mm 60 / 62. 

If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact us!