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600 Combinations

Blokh Maksim

This chess exercise book is written by an experienced coach, International Grandmaster of ICCF. It contains more than 600 exercises that are arranged precisely after various combinational motifs.

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This chess exercise book is written by an experienced coach, International Grandmaster of ICCF. It contains more than 600 exercises that are arranged precisely after various combinational motifs.
This cleverly implied approach facilitates the progress of developing a reader's combinational vision and enables usage of the book as a chess manual. The exercises are distinguished with a tense fight, and  there is usually only one way to the goal.

The book is designed for common schools and colleges as well as for special chess groups. It can be also used for self-teaching. In both cases, a certain initial chess knowledge is supposed.

1. Geometrical motifs (1-42)
2. Weakness of files or diagonals (43-106)
3. Opposing (107-165)
4. Weakness of a square (squares) (166-181)
5. A piece is overloaded (182-189)
6. Poorly protected pieces (190-204)
7. Misplaced pieces (205-209)
8. Passed pawn (210-231)
9. Limited material (232-240)
10. Cramped king position (241-257)
11. Poorly protected king (258-365)
12. Conjunction of combinational motifs (366-384)

  • Casa editrice Russian Chess House
  • Code 6562
  • Pagine p. 96
