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Encyclopedia of Chess Combinations 6a edizione

Chess Informant Equipe

The 6th edition of our classic (Encyclopaedia of Chess Combinations 6th edition – ECC 6) contains examples and instructive positions from games played by all World Champions. From Steinitz to Carlsen!

Also, in this edition of the Encyclopaedia we kept the standard division of all the themes and tactical motifs into 10 topics, while all the positions are graded in three levels according to playing strength – basic, intermediate and advanced. Therefore, the book should prove to be extremely useful for chess trainers allowing them to choose the examples and level of difficulty based on their student’s knowledge and progress.

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3198 examples

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Dear readers, the book you are holding in your hands has an extraordinary history and development over the last 40 years.

The 1 st edition of the “Encyclopaedia of Middlegames: Combinations” was published in 1980, and ever since it has been a favourite training tool for aspiring chess students, trainers, and of course professionals.

The 6th edition of our classic (Encyclopaedia of Chess Combinations 6th edition – ECC 6) contains examples and instructive positions from games played by all World Champions. From Steinitz to Carlsen!

Also, in this edition of the Encyclopaedia we kept the standard division of all the themes and tactical motifs into 10 topics, while all the positions are graded in three levels according to playing strength – basic, intermediate and advanced. Therefore, the book should prove to be extremely useful for chess trainers allowing them to choose the examples and level of difficulty based on their student’s knowledge and progress.

25% new material
3198 examples

a. Annihilation of Defence
b. Blockade
c. Clearance
d. Deflection
e. Discovered Attack
f. Pinning
g. Demolition of Pawn structure
h. Decoy
i. Interference
j. Double Attack

  • Casa editrice Chess Informant
  • Code 7636
  • Anno 2021
  • Pagine 736
  • Isbn 9788672971149
