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New in Chess Yearbook 111

The Forum Section has interesting contributions by well-known players like Bogdan Lalic and Daniel Fridman, who examines his experience in the Queen's Indian 6.d5 exd5 7.0-0 gambit line. Peter Boel made a tribute to Jobava's fun factor in the recent Russian Team Championships.

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The Forum Section has interesting contributions by well-known players like Bogdan Lalic and Daniel Fridman, who examines his experience in the Queen's Indian 6.d5 exd5 7.0-0 gambit line. Peter Boel made a tribute to Jobava's fun factor in the recent Russian Team Championships.


The Opening Takes have been taken over for one issue by Anish Giri, who explains why and how top players switched between 1.e4 and 1.d4 in the Candidates Tournament. In Kuzmin’s Harvest, Alexey Kuzmin has collected the 10 best opening novelties from the same event.


We offer a preview of the book The Modern Bogo by Dejan Antic and Branimir Maksimovic. This book, together with their earlier tome The Modern French, forms a watertight repertoire for black players.


Glenn Flear reviews Sabotage the Grünfeld (Kaufman), The Modern Anti-Sicilian by Sergey Soloviov, Boris Avrukh’s The Classical Slav (no. 17 in the Grandmaster Repertoire series), and Lorin D’Costa’s The Panov-Botvinnik Attack move by move.

Sicilian Defence - Najdorf Variation 6.Be3 - SI 14.8 - Illingworth
Sicilian Defence - Najdorf Variation 6.Be3 - SI 14.8 - Rodi
Sicilian Defence - Dragon Variation 6.g3 - SI 15.3 - Szajbely
Sicilian Defence - Dragon Variation 6.Be3 - SI 17.1 - Fogarasi
Sicilian Defence - Four Knights Variation 5...e6 - SI 34.6 - Adorjan
Sicilian Defence - Alapin Variation 5...Bf5 - SI 46.4 - A. Kuzmin
French Defence - Tarrasch Variation 3...Nf6 - FR 16.4-8 - Adhiban
Caro-Kann Defence - Advance Variation 4.h4 - CK 4.14 - Karolyi
Caro-Kann Defence - Advance Variation 4.h4 - CK 4.15 - S. Kasparov
Caro-Kann Defence - Classical Variation 6.h4 - CK 11.5 - Panczyk/Ilczuk
Alekhine Defence - The Bishop Attack 4.Bc4 - AL 6.9 - Raetsky/Chetverik
Vienna Game - Classical Main Line 5.Nf3 - VG 3.10 - Finkel
King’s Gambit - Nimzowitsch Variation 2...d5 3.ed5 c6 - KG 4.2 - Alonso
Various Openings - Nimzowitsch Defence 2...d6 - VO 5.9 - De Dovitiis
Various Openings - Keres Defence 2...Bb4 - VO 22.9 - Marin/Stoica
Slav Defence - Marshall Gambit 9.Bf8 - SL 6.1 - Olthof
Nimzo-Indian Defence - Rubinstein Variation 4.e3 - NI 16.1 - Lalic
Nimzo-Indian Defence - Sämisch Variation 4.f3 d5 - NI 19.9 - Ikonnikov
Nimzo-Indian Defence - Classical Variation 4...0-0 - NI 21.6 - Van der Wiel
Nimzo-Indian Defence - Vienna Variation 6...h6 - NI 27.13 - Ninov
Queen’s Indian Defence - Bogo-Indian 4.Nbd2 Line - QI 1.11 - Antic
Grünfeld Indian Defence - Fianchetto Variation 3.g3 - GI 1.10 - Zakhartsov
Grünfeld Indian Defence - Fianchetto Variation 3.g3 - GI 2.4 - Lemos Sarro
King’s Indian Defence - Gligoric Variation 7.Be3 - KI 18.3 - Lukacs/Hazai
Dutch Defence - Leningrad Variation 4.Nh3 - HD 9.14 - Bosch
Réti Opening - Double Fianchetto 3.b3 - RE 20.12 - Tuncer

  • Marca New in Chess
  • Code 02111
  • Anno 2014
  • Pagine p. 256
  • Isbn 9789056915087
