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A weapon against the Grunfeld Defence (7.Qa4+) in 60 minutes - DOWNLOAD

Michael Kotyk

Get ready for an exciting chess journey with the 60 Minutes "Simplified Grünfeld with 7.Qa4+" by CM Michael Kotyk! Dive into the fascinating world of the Grünfeld Indian Defence and learn how to master this opening variation in just 60 minutes. With this video course, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of all the responses to 7.Qa4. Michael Kotyk will guide you step by step through the variations, explaining the underlying ideas. The Grünfeld Indian Defence is renowned for its dynamism and flexibility. With the move 7.Qa4+, Kotyk presents a simplified variation that requires less theoretical knowledge, yet still offering strong attacking potential. You will learn how to respond effectively to your opponent's moves, and steer the game in your favour.

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Get ready for an exciting chess journey with the 60 Minutes "Simplified Grünfeld with 7.Qa4+" by CM Michael Kotyk! Dive into the fascinating world of the Grünfeld Indian Defence and learn how to master this opening variation in just 60 minutes. With this video course, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of all the responses to 7.Qa4. Michael Kotyk will guide you step by step through the variations, explaining the underlying ideas. The Grünfeld Indian Defence is renowned for its dynamism and flexibility. With the move 7.Qa4+, Kotyk presents a simplified variation that requires less theoretical knowledge, yet still offering strong attacking potential. You will learn how to respond effectively to your opponent's moves, and steer the game in your favour.



  • Casa editrice ChessBase
  • Code S6641
