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Opening Repertoire: Strategic Play with 1 e4 - Paperback

Pavlovic Milos

Many players approach the opening with a desire to learn sharp lines and out-prepare their opponents. This is an exhausting task, which gets more difficult by the day. However, there is a different strategy which is more practical and designed for longevity. This is to develop an advanced understanding of typical positions. Such a policy is the best approach against different move orders and new ideas.

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Many players approach the opening with a desire to learn sharp lines and out-prepare their opponents. This is an exhausting task, which gets more difficult by the day. However, there is a different strategy which is more practical and designed for longevity. This is to develop an advanced understanding of typical positions. Such a policy is the best approach against different move orders and new ideas.

Milos Pavlovic’s 1 e4 repertoire is based on lines where an understanding of plans and strategic ideas is more important than rote memorisation. The focus is on important positional considerations such as:

How to make the pieces work most effectively with a given pawn structure
How to spot weak points and exploit them
How to limit the opponent’s counterplay
Opening Repertoire: Strategic Play with 1 e4 guides the reader through a complete repertoire for White. Pavlovic examines the key aspects of each line and provides the reader with well-researched and fresh analysis. Every annotated game is a lesson on typical middlegame plans, based on the instructive question-and-answer method.

GM Milos Pavlovic has written several opening books where he shares the approach that led him to a world ranking just outside the top 100 at the end of 2003.

  • Code 8593R
  • Anno 2024
  • Pagine 320
  • Isbn 9781836840008
