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King's Indian Attack - Simple. Flexible. Dynamic. - DOWNLOAD

Demchenko Svitlana

Running time: 7 hours 26 minutes
The King's Indian Attack is a universal opening: easy to learn, flexible, and rich in both tactical and positional opportunities. By simply knowing the setup and some key ideas, it can become a lifelong addition to your repertoire - without the need for constant memorization.

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Running time: 7 hours 26 minutes
The King's Indian Attack is a universal opening: easy to learn, flexible, and rich in both tactical and positional opportunities. By simply knowing the setup and some key ideas, it can become a lifelong addition to your repertoire - without the need for constant memorization.

Played by fierce attackers like Bobby Fischer and great positional players like Tigran Petrosian, this opening is suitable for players of all styles. The course covers starting with 1.Nf3, allowing us to achieve King’s Indian Attack structures regardless of the opponent’s replies. An additional guide is included for 1.e4 players, showing how this setup can become an interesting weapon against the French, the Sicilian, and the Caro-Kann defenses.

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  • Code S6656
