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Queen's Gambit Declined - DVD

D'Costa Lorin, Murphy Nick

The Queens Gambit Declined (known as the ‘QGD’) is the “Mr. Reliable” of responses to 1.d4. A favourite of many of the world champions, both past and present, its reputation has never been called into question. After the moves 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 - black sets up a solid centre and plays in a classical style; intending simple development, and quick castling to maintain central control.

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The Queens Gambit Declined (known as the ‘QGD’) is the “Mr. Reliable” of responses to 1.d4. A favourite of many of the world champions, both past and present, its reputation has never been called into question. After the moves 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 - black sets up a solid centre and plays in a classical style; intending simple development, and quick castling to maintain central control.

The QGD is a favourite of both club and professional players alike, due to the lack of forcing lines and the chances to outplay your opponent using superior middlegame strategies.

Simply put - watch this DVD and your general chess understanding will improve! In this second edition of the “Master & Amateur” style ChessBase DVD in English, International Master Lorin D’Costa and chess-software expert Nick Murphy take you through the main ideas of the QGD in an easy to understand, conversational style. In this DVD they examine.

1) The Tartakower and Lasker Defences 
2) The dangerous exchange variation
3) Bf4 lines
4) Other attempts v the QGD e.g. the Catalan

The Master and Amateur series gives you the advantage of having chess expert training, alongside an amateur player asking the type of questions that YOU want to ask.

• Video running time: 7 hours 28 min. (English) 
• With interactive training including video feedback 
• Exclusive training database with 50 essential games 
• Including CB 12 – Reader

Sample video


System requirements

Minimum: Pentium III 1 GHz, 1 GB RAM, Windows Vista, XP (Service Pack 3), DirectX9 graphic card with 256 MB RAM, DVD-ROM drive, Windows Media Player 9, ChessBase 12/Fritz 13 or included Reader and internet connection for program activation. Recommended: PC Intel Core i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 GB RAM, Windows 7 or Windows 8, DirectX10 graphic card (or compatible) with 512 MB RAM or better, 100% DirectX10 compatible sound card, Windows Media Player 11, DVD-ROM drive and internet connection for program activation.

  • Casa editrice ChessBase
  • Code S6397
  • Isbn 9783866814134
