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Reykjavik Acacia/Boxwood chess pieces 4''

Do you feel like a grandmaster? Maybe it's not the time yet, but you can have a set of chess pieces such as the set from the great contest between Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky, which took place in Reykjavik in 1972. Chess pieces used in this historic match were produced by the famous English company Jaques of London.

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Do you feel like a grandmaster? Maybe it's not the time yet, but you can have a set of chess pieces such as the set from the great contest between Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky, which took place in Reykjavik in 1972. Chess pieces used in this historic match were produced by the famous English company Jaques of London.

King size mm.97, base mm.41

Supplied in a cotton bag. Double queen included.

Weight: 1,4Kg

  • Code 942

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