Robert Fischer. Great Chess Combinations

This book is a collection of the best combinations played by Robert Fischer in chronological order. Each exercise features a number of points - 1 to 4 - given for solving it, depending on the exercises's difficulty. This allows trainers and teachers to use this book both for self training and in lessons for their students.
This book is a collection of the best combinations played by Robert Fischer in chronological order. Each exercise features a number of points - 1 to 4 - given for solving it, depending on the exercises's difficulty. This allows trainers and teachers to use this book both for self training and in lessons for their students.
Format: Pocket book, 70х100х64 mm
Cover type: Hard cover
Pages: 160
Release date: 2013
- Marca Russian Chess House
- Code 6620
- Anno 2013
- Pagine p. 160(pocket)
- Isbn 9785946932592