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Robert Fischer. Great Chess Combinations

This book is a collection of the best combinations played by Robert Fischer in chronological order. Each exercise features a number of points - 1 to 4 - given for solving it, depending on the exercises's difficulty. This allows trainers and teachers to use this book both for self training and in lessons for their students.

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This book is a collection of the best combinations played by Robert Fischer in chronological order. Each exercise features a number of points - 1 to 4 - given for solving it, depending on the exercises's difficulty. This allows trainers and teachers to use this book both for self training and in lessons for their students.

Format: Pocket book, 70х100х64 mm 
Cover type: Hard cover
Pages: 160
Release date: 2013

  • Marca Russian Chess House
  • Code 6620
  • Anno 2013
  • Pagine p. 160(pocket)
  • Isbn 9785946932592
