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Venice vs Pisa - chesspieces

32 chess pieces in resin handmade and hand painted representing the cities of Venice and Pisa which are 2 of the 4 Maritime Republics. King Height 105 mm. base 40 mm.

In particular, this chess set faithfully represents the cities of Venice and Pisa which are 2 of the 4 Maritime Republics which with Amalfi and Genoa dominated the Mediterranean during the Middle Ages, especially from a commercial point of view. These cities were in fact commercial intermediaries and fundamental sorting points between Europe and the East. Pisa was governed by a Podestà while Venice by a Doge: during the Middle Ages the two republics reached the peak of their splendor at different times, and even today these cities can be defined as pearls of the Mediterranean.

Chessboard not included.

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32 chess pieces in resin handmade and hand painted representing the cities of Venice and Pisa which are 2 of the 4 Maritime Republics. King Height 105 mm. base 40 mm.

In particular, this chess set faithfully represents the cities of Venice and Pisa which are 2 of the 4 Maritime Republics which with Amalfi and Genoa dominated the Mediterranean during the Middle Ages, especially from a commercial point of view. These cities were in fact commercial intermediaries and fundamental sorting points between Europe and the East. Pisa was governed by a Podestà while Venice by a Doge: during the Middle Ages the two republics reached the peak of their splendor at different times, and even today these cities can be defined as pearls of the Mediterranean.

Chessboard not included.

  • Code STR100777

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Chessboards square 60mm
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