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The Amazing Albin Counter-Gambit - DOWNLOAD

Trent Lawrence

The Albin Counter-Gambit (1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5!?) has been a favourite of Grandmasters and amateur players alike since it was popularised by Adolf Albin in the 1890s. This hyper-aggressive system, which immediately sets out to destabilise White’s position, had a renaissance in the mid-2000s when none other than GM Alexander Morozevich revitalised the opening with a number of fresh ideas and excellent results.

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Over the past decade though, the consensus among Grandmasters was that White had found several ‘antidotes’ to the Morozevich setup. However, upon further inspection, not only do I believe the opening is completely sound, but that a number of leading theoreticians may have overestimated White’s chances at achieving a serious advantage. In fact, as this DVD will show, I believe that it is White who has to take extreme care not to stand worse out of the opening, and that I have found a number of extremely dangerous Theoretical Novelties which will truly put the Albin Counter-Gambit back on the map.

• Video running time: 5 h 05 min(English) 
• With interactive training incuding video feedback
• Extra: exclusive database with more than 50 model games
• Including CB Reader

  • Code S6517
  • Isbn 9783866816558
