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The art of boxing in Chess - 2nd hand

Grady Thomas L.

2nd hand book - conditions: like new Chess is the sport of intellectual boxing. Once this basic truth is realized the game makes perfect sense. The board is the ring. The fighters are introduced as White or Black. The White fighter throws the first punch sounding the ring of the bell and the Black fighter must defend his position. The ensuing punches reflect the hand movement of each fighter as they spar for position to gain an advantage. The goal of both is to knock out the opponent. Each fighter must throw a mandatory number of punches within a specific amount of time or suffer an automatic defeat. These are the basic rules of the ring.

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2nd hand book - conditions: like new Chess is the sport of intellectual boxing. Once this basic truth is realized the game makes perfect sense. The board is the ring. The fighters are introduced as White or Black. The White fighter throws the first punch sounding the ring of the bell and the Black fighter must defend his position. The ensuing punches reflect the hand movement of each fighter as they spar for position to gain an advantage. The goal of both is to knock out the opponent. Each fighter must throw a mandatory number of punches within a specific amount of time or suffer an automatic defeat. These are the basic rules of the ring.

  • Casa editrice Trafford
  • Code tlg0709us
  • Anno 2002
  • Pagine p. 213
