Yearbook 100 - Anniversary Issue: 56 extra pages - FREE!

A unique Anniversary Issue! With 56 extra pages and many special features, including Surveys by several reigning World Champions in their field: Hou Yifan, Anatoly Vaisser and Andrey Obodchuk. Also, we have Surveys by Vasily Ivanchuk and… Garry Kasparov!
A unique Anniversary Issue! With 56 extra pages and many special features, including Surveys by several reigning World Champions in their field: Hou Yifan, Anatoly Vaisser and Andrey Obodchuk. Also, we have Surveys by Vasily Ivanchuk and… Garry Kasparov!
Readers from all over the world join in discussions on previous Surveys. With contributions by Viacheslav Zakhartsov, Sarunas Sulskis, Jozsef Horvath, Genna Sosonko and many others.
Benjamin’s Opening Takes
In the second instalment of his column, Joel Benjamin breaks a lance for players who dare to break the ‘chess rules’. With special emphasis on the Caro-Kann Fantasy Variation.
Book Reviews
For this special issue, Glenn Flear revisited the books he read for his reviews from the past twenty years and selected a Top-20. What are the best books according to our greatest expert?
Yearbook 100 also features a challenging quiz with sizzling prizes, a number of special Surveys written for the occasion, and many other highlights from Yearbook history.
Anniversary extras:
• Garry Kasparov: the final word on the Zaitsev Variation of the Ruy Lopez
• Vasily Ivanchuk on the Sämisch Variation of the King's Indian
• Women's World Champion Hou Yifan on the Burn Variation in the French
• IPCA World Champion Andrey Obodchuk: a new concept in the Accelerated Dragon
• Senior World Champion Anatoly Vaisser: the Rubinstein Variation of the Nimzo-Indian
• Yearbook reviewer Glenn Flear: the 20 best chess opening books
• the Anniversary Quiz with sizzling prizes
• a special Survey by René Olthof on the deepest opening novelties ever
• John van der Wiel on the love of his life: the Scotch
• Nikolay Ninov: a highly original & broadly applicable novelty in the Sicilian Kan
• intriguing lists of Yearbook highlights
• amazing discoveries by Aronian, Sulskis, Rodshtein and others
• and more ...
Sicilian Defence - Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5 - SI 9.3 - Le Ruyet/Sochacki
Sicilian Defence - Grivas Variation 4...Qb6 - SI 32.1 - Tuncer
Sicilian Defence - Accelerated Dragon 5...g6 - SI 33.2 - Obodchuk
Sicilian Defence - Taimanov Variation 5...Qc7 - SI 40.2 - Mekhitarian
Sicilian Defence - Paulsen Variation 5.c4 - SI 41.15 - Ninov
Sicilian Defence - Alapin Variation 2...d5 - SI 46.4 - Palliser
French Defence - Steinitz Variation 4.e5 - FR 4.4 - Finkel
French Defence - Burn Variation 5...Nbd7 - FR 5.1 - Hou Yifan
Caro-Kann Defence - Early Divergences 3.Qe2 - CK 1.5 - Bosch
Caro-Kann Defence - Advance Variation 4.h4 - CK 4.15 - Lukacs/Hazai
Caro-Kann Defence - Early Divergences 4...h6 - CK 5.2 - Karolyi
Caro-Kann Defence - Classical Variation 4...Bf5 - CK 12.3 - S. Kasparov
Ruy Lopez - Chigorin Variation 11...Nd7 - RL 23.11 - Panczyk/Ilczuk
Italian Game - Evans Gambit 5...Be7 - IG 5.10 - Anka
Scotch Opening - Classical and Mieses Variations - SO 4-5 - Van der Wiel
Queen’s Gambit Declined - Blackburne Variation 6...Nbd7 - QO 1.5 - A. Kuzmin
Slav Defence - Chebanenko Variation 5.a4 - SL 3.1 - Lemos Sarro
Slav Defence - Krause Variation 6.Ne5 - SL 4.5 - Karolyi
Slav Defence - Botvinnik Variation 6.a4 - SL 6.5 - Ikonnikov
Slav Defence - Moscow Variation 6.Bh4 - SL 6.6 - Gupta
Slav Defence - Botvinnik Variation 11...Rg8 - SL 7.5 - Van der Tak
Slav Defence - Chebanenko Variation 5.Qc2 - SL 11.12 - Vilela
Nimzo-Indian Defence - Rubinstein Variation 4...b6 - NI 13.5 - Vaisser
Nimzo-Indian Defence - Classical Variation 4...0-0 - NI 20.4 - Lukacs/Hazai
Grünfeld Indian Defence - Exchange Variation 7.Be3 - GI 4.1 - Adorjan/Vegh
King's Indian Defence - Gligoric Variation 7.Be3 - KI 18.9 - A. Kuzmin
King’s Indian Defence - Early Divergences 6.h3 - KI 20.5 - Inarkiev
King’s Indian Defence - Sämisch Variation 6...c5 - KI 48.8 - Ivanchuk/Sulypa
King’s Indian Defence - Anti-Grünfeld 3.f3 - KI 81.2 - Fogarasi
Benoni Defence - Benko Gambit 4.Qc2 - BI 18.5 - De Dovitiis
Benoni Defence - Benko Gambit 5.Nc3 - BI 22.1-8 - S. Kasparov
Dutch Defence - Leningrad Variation 7...Qe8 - HD 6.10 - Vegh
English Opening - Symmetrical Variation 3...e5 - EO 28.10 - Boersma
English Opening - Symmetrical Variation 3.g3 - EO 45.8 - De Dovitiis
Réti Opening - Slav Gambit 2...c6 3.g3 - RE 7.6 - Palliser
- Marca New in Chess
- Code 02100
- Anno 2011
- Pagine p. 304