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A Repertoire against the Italian Game DVD

Marin Mihail

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Given White‘s difficulty in proving an advantage in a series of Ruy Lopez systems, the Italian game (also known as Giuoco Piano), has become increasingly popular. In the systems based on an early d2-d3 (Giuoco Pianissimo), White aims at submitting their opponent to the same kind of positional pressure as “The Spanish torture”, a term used by Tartakower for describing the strategic fight in the Ruy Lopez. 

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Given White‘s difficulty in proving an advantage in a series of Ruy Lopez systems, the Italian game (also known as Giuoco Piano), has become increasingly popular. In the systems based on an early d2-d3 (Giuoco Pianissimo), White aims at submitting their opponent to the same kind of positional pressure as “The Spanish torture”, a term used by Tartakower for describing the strategic fight in the Ruy Lopez. 

The repertoire against the Giuoco Pianissimo examined on this video course, provides Black with methods of evading this slightly one-sided pattern, yielding sound play in double-edged positions. The main motif is …g5, but if White makes commitments to prepare against it, Black can switch to comfortable versions of the positional struggle. The second group of systems examined, is characterised by White’s opening of the centre at an early stage with d4. Black doesn’t have anything to fear in these lines and should welcome White’s choice, since it also yields Black chances for counterplay. This video course also contains a database with all the games relevant to the repertoire, plus a selection of positions for practicing.

• Video running time: 5 hours 30 minutes(English)
• With interactive training including video feedback
• Extra: Model games database & Training with ChessBase apps - Memorize the opening repertoire and play key positions against Fritz on various levels

  • Casa editriceChessBase
  • CodiceS6612

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