Chess College 1: Strategy
Grivas Efstratios

Chess College is a new series of books to take intermediate players to new levels of chess understanding. New ideas are introduced and immediately illustrated by a number of entertaining and instructive examples, many drawn from the author`s own practice. Volume 1: Strategy introduces a variety of topics, including: ``Why do we lose?``, Attack on the King, Two Bishops, Passed Pawn, Exchange Sacrifice, Positional Sacrifice, and Outpost.
Chess College is a new series of books to take intermediate players to new levels of chess understanding. New ideas are introduced and immediately illustrated by a number of entertaining and instructive examples, many drawn from the author`s own practice.
Volume 1: Strategy introduces a variety of topics, including: ``Why do we lose?``, Attack on the King, Two Bishops, Passed Pawn, Exchange Sacrifice, Positional Sacrifice, and Outpost. By drawing extensively upon his own games, Grivas is able to explain exactly what was going on over the board, and avoids the pitfall of providing overfamiliar, clichéd examples. This is part of a three-volume series that provides a wealth of instruction on many aspects of chess middlegames.
Grandmaster Efstratios Grivas lives in Athens and is also a Senior FIDE Trainer, International Arbiter and Organizer. He has represented his country on a great many occasions, winning an individual gold medal at the 1989 European Team Championship and an individual silver medal at the 1998 Olympiad.
He is a Greek federal trainer and an experienced writer.
- Casa editrice Gambit
- Codice 5595
- Anno 2006
- Pagine p. 112
- Isbn 9781904600459