Chess Comet Rudolf Charousek 1873-1900
Charushin Viktor

rilegato, 300 pagine, 7 foto. in inglese
250 partite per lo più commentate del genio degli scacchi Rudolf Charousek (1873-1900) insieme a biografia, dedica e 1° campionato ungherese di scacchi per corrispondenza. Emanuel Lasker vide in Charousek il futuro campione del mondo.
rilegato, 300 pagine, 7 foto. in inglese
250 partite per lo più commentate del genio degli scacchi Rudolf Charousek (1873-1900) insieme a biografia, dedica e 1° campionato ungherese di scacchi per corrispondenza. Emanuel Lasker vide in Charousek il futuro campione del mondo.
I. Code System ..... 7
II. Introduction ..... 8
III. Early Childhood ..... 10
IV.Childhood and Youth ..... 11
Game Nrs. 1-14 ..... 13
V. Development of Talent ..... 23
a. A Casual Game: ..... 15
Game Nr.15 ..... 15
b. Match Charousek vs.Engländer, Kassa 1891-1892 ..... 18
Game Nrs.16+17 ..... 28
c. Game Nrs.18-33 ..... 30
d. Match Charousek vs.Makovetz, Budapest 1893 ..... 41
Game Nrs.34-39 ..... 41
e. Game Nrs.40-43 ..... 47
f. Match Charousek vs.Maróczy, Budapest 1895 ..... 50
Game Nrs.44-46 ..... 50
g. Game Nrs.47+48 ..... 52
VI. On the Road to Farne ..... 54
a. Game Nrs.49-52 ..... 61
b. Match Charousek vs.Maróczy, Budapest 1895 ..... 63
Game Nrs.53-66 ..... 63
c. Game Nrs.67-69 ..... 72
d. Match Charousek vs. V.Exner (I), Budapest 1895 ..... 74
Game Nrs.70+71 ..... 74
e. Game Nrs.72-76 ..... 76
f. Match Charousek vs.V.Exner(II), Székesféhérvár 1896 ..... 80
Game Nrs.77-79 ..... 80
g. Game Nrs.80-86 ..... 83
h. International Tournament at Nuremberg 1896 ..... 90
Game Nrs.87-105 ..... 90
i. Appendix: Nuremberg 1896 ..... 111
(offprint from Fränkischer Kurier by Metger/in German)
VII. Climbing up to the Peak ..... 117
a. Game Nrs. 106-111 ..... 127
b. International Tournament at Budapest 1896 ..... 133
Game Nrs. 112-123 ..... 133
c. Match Charousek vs.Chigorin, Budapest 1896 ..... 148
Game Nrs. 124-127 ..... 148
VIII. Charousek's Chess Summit ..... 153
a. Game Nrs.128-130 ..... 162
b. International Tournament at Berlin 1897 (I) ..... 163
Game Nrs. 131-134 ..... 163
c. Game Nrs. 135-160 ..... 168
d. International Tournament at Berlin 1897 (II) ..... 187
Game Nrs. 161-178 ..... 187
e. Game Nrs. 179-189 ..... 207
f. Tournament at Budapest 1897-1898 ..... 216
Game Nrs. 190-196 ..... 216
IX. Sorrowful End and Immortality ..... 222
a. One Endgame Study and one Problem: Nrs. 197+198 ..... 230
b. Other Games 1898: Nrs. 199-206 ..... 231
c. International Tournament at Cologne 1898 ..... 236
Game Nrs.207-217 ..... 237
d. Game Nrs.218-222 ..... 248
X. Rudolf Charousek Plays Correspondence Chess ..... 252
a. First Hungarian Individual Correspondence Chess Campionship:
Game Nrs.223-240 ..... 256
XI. Uncommented Games ..... 271
a. Match Charousek vs.V.Exner, Budapest 1895 ..... 271
Game Nrs.241-243 ..... 271
b. Match: Charousek vs.V.Exner, Székesféhérvár 1896 ..... 273
Game Nrs.244-250 ..... 274
XII.Appendices: ..... 277
a. Charousek's Tournament and Match Record ..... 277
b. The Main International Tournaments ..... 278
c. Chess life at Budapest in 1899 ..... 279
d. One Hundred Years ago Budapest 1896 ..... 281
XIII. Indices: ..... 283
a. Index of Openings ..... 283
b. Index of Combinations ..... 284
c. Index of Endgames ..... 284
d. Index of Players ..... 285
XIV. Bibliography ..... 287
- Codice 8345
- Anno 1998
- Pagine 300, hardcover
- Isbn 9783980489645