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Chess Middlegame Tactics - 1500 combinations

Surman Martin

This book contains a total of 1500 combinations divided into 15 thematic sectors. The tasks are marked according to the level of difficulty: from the pawn to the king, so every reader will find tasks for themselves. Each puzzle comes from a practical chess game, often from a Grandmaster's game. A very good book for players who want to improve their tactical skills, but also for chess coaches who can use this book during chess classes in chess clubs.

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This book contains a total of 1500 combinations divided into 15 thematic sectors. The tasks are marked according to the level of difficulty: from the pawn to the king, so every reader will find tasks for themselves. Each puzzle comes from a practical chess game, often from a Grandmaster's game. A very good book for players who want to improve their tactical skills, but also for chess coaches who can use this book during chess classes in chess clubs.

  • Codice 8627
  • Anno 2025
  • Pagine 296
  • Isbn 9788395773365

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