Chess Training Package for Intermediate Players (CD)

Chess Training Package for intermediate players consists of five magnificent educational programs that cover all the aspects of chess: Opening, Tactics, Strategy and Ending.
Chess Training Package for intermediate players consists of five magnificent educational programs that cover all the aspects of chess: Opening, Tactics, Strategy and Ending.
CT-ART 4.0
This excellent tactics course has been voted more than once by the chess experts as the best chess training software program. CT-ART is an indispensable training tool for intermediate players. This course includes 2,200 basic exercises and 1,800 auxiliary exercises altogether.
Attack on the King II
This course includes more than 2,500 exercises. You will have to use your fantasy and precise calculation in order to find a correct way of attacking the King.
Chess Tactics for intermediate players
The course includes about 1,200 tactical exercises classified according to topics (20 methods) and difficulty.
Chess Strategy
The course includes 250 instructive examples and 1,100 selected exercises for 18 most important strategic themes such as: Advantage in Development, Advantage in Space, Attack on the King, Attack on the Queenside, Weak Squares, Pawn Structure, Open Files and Diagonals and others.
Chess Endgame Training
The course includes more than 2,450 endgame exercises, classified according to 500 endgame themes.
System requirements: IBM-compatible PC, 256 Mb RAM, hard disk 100Mb, Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, CD-ROM drive. No additional software required.. Eng/Ger/Fra/Spa/Ita versions together.
- Marca Convekta
- Codice SK6164