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Dzindzi anti-english - Dvd complete and ambitious system for black against 1

Dzindzichashvili Roman

On this DVD Roman will give you an easy to learn complete setup for Black to play against the English.

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In Volume 69: Dzindzi Anti-English Complete and Ambitious System for Black against 1.c4 Over 85 minutes of instructional video On this DVD Roman will give you an easy to learn complete setup for Black to play against the English. This new system is great because it gives Black an easy, clear plan of attack which will be faster than your opponent`s plans, who will unknowingly be following theory. Roman`s original Anti English ideas and concepts are verified by Rybka and are only available on this DVD. The minimum you will get out of this opening is equality with a plan that is unfamiliar to your opponent. So if you are like most players and hate playing against the English, you now have a surprise secret weapon, the Dzindzi Anti-English. GrandMaster Roman Dzindzichashvili: * Former two time U.S. Champion & Russian Champion * World Open Winner, Writer & Teacher * Former Chess Coach & Trainer for World Champions Gary Kasparov & Anatoly Karpov Includes FREE: * MasterChess 5000 - VALUE $24.95! - Fully functional chess playing program ``Crafty`` rated 2613 with a searchable data base of over 100,000 top GrandMaster games from 2000 to March 2003. GrandMaster statistical tree also imports & exports games in PGN format. * Bookup Premiere demo - A method of mastering the chess openings. * ChessReader demo - Software to display ChessCafe eBooks. * Blitzin demo - Play chess online with the Internet Chess Club. * Chess Tactic Arts demo - Improve your tactics by solving exercises. * Advanced School of Chess demo - Instructive tutorial on all chess fundamentals. * Chess Mentor demo - Instructional software (like having a private chess coach).

  • Casa editrice ChessDVDs
  • Codice roman69
