Enciclopedia dei Finali di Torre - 1a parte, - 2a mano

Come tutte le pubblicazioni di Chess Informant è in linguaggio internazionale con figurine e simboli, quindi non è necessario conoscere alcuna lingua se non quella scacchistica!
Dalla prefazione in lingua inglese
How many times have you heard it? It’s an old school rule: one should learn endings first and only then switch to the earlier content. How many times have you heard it? It’s an old school rule: one should learn endings first and only then switch to the earlier content. Arguable it’s true, if we follow the advice of some of the biggest chess names of all time.
The First Edition of ECE II Rook 1 was compiled by Andras Adorjan, Alexander Beliavsky, Walter Browne, Lubomir Ftacnik, Anatoly Karpov, Garry Kasparov, Lubomir Kavalek, Vlado Kovacevic, John Nunn and Jan Timman.
ECE II covers R3, R4, R5, R6 and R7 according to the classification of chess endings (see below). No doubt, this is a most valuable tool for learning endgames, which will be greatly appreciated by advancing players or trainers. Yet, if you are looking for verbal explanation, it is the wrong place to go.
Nobody will tell you about the sixth rank rule, the bridge, a- and c-pawns vs. rook, or simple things like the rook should be placed behind the pawn aiming to promote and that you should cut the opponent’s king off. But you will recognize not only this but much more by yourself.
Your technique will be precise and these complicated maneuverings will already be in your DNA because you used first-rate resources with which to do your own methodical work.
- Marca Chess Informant
- Codice 6625us
- Anno 1985
- Pagine p. 512 - hard cover