Excelling at Chess
Aagaard Jacob

* Ideal for players who are serious about improving
* Discusses all phases and aspects of the game
* Packed with useful practical tips
Winner of the prestigious ChessCafe.com ``Book of the Year`` award
pubblicato in italiano da Prisma Editori col titolo: ``Il perfezionamento dello scacchista``
Some players become good at chess, some very good, while others excel at the game. Jacob Aagaard identifies the key factors that separate the very strong players from the rest. He includes chapters on when to calculate, how to evaluate positions, how to study theory, how to study the endgame and when to force the position. Anyone who follows the advice in this book cannot fail to improve their feel for the game.
Jacob Aagaard is a young International Master from Denmark who has carved out a deserved reputation as a diligent and outspoken chess author. His earlier opening manuals, such as Dutch Stonewall and Easy Guide to the Sveshnikov Sicilian, have been widely admired for the clarity of their approach.
- Casa editrice Everyman
- Codice 4709
- Anno 2001
- Pagine p. 190
- Isbn 9781857442731