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Foxy Openings vol.159: The Vienna Gambit - Andrew Martin (DVD)

Video Running Time: 100 minutes

The Vienna Gambit. The vast majority of chessplayers play for fun; for them, chess is enjoyment and not a professional endeavor. If you are running aground against 1.e4 e5 then why not try the sharp Vienna Gambits suggested by IM Andrew Martin on this DVD?

Pressure is brought to bear on Black in unusual ways at an early stage and there is nothing more enjoyable than getting on to the attack early with White and watching the opponent struggle. Reviving old and forgotten ideas in the modern era can be a very effective way of discovering winning weapons! FIDE Senior Trainer Andrew Martin has been recording Foxy Openings videos for over 20 years. He is a vastly experienced chess trainer and teacher.

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Video Running Time: 100 minutes

The Vienna Gambit. The vast majority of chessplayers play for fun; for them, chess is enjoyment and not a professional endeavor. If you are running aground against 1.e4 e5 then why not try the sharp Vienna Gambits suggested by IM Andrew Martin on this DVD?

Pressure is brought to bear on Black in unusual ways at an early stage and there is nothing more enjoyable than getting on to the attack early with White and watching the opponent struggle. Reviving old and forgotten ideas in the modern era can be a very effective way of discovering winning weapons! FIDE Senior Trainer Andrew Martin has been recording Foxy Openings videos for over 20 years. He is a vastly experienced chess trainer and teacher.

  • Codice foxy159
  • Isbn 885007479826

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