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Internet Hold'em Poker

Cardoza Avery

Readers learn the five steps to getting started, how to move money in and out of accounts safely, 21 advantages of playing online, how to play for free or for profit, how to simultaneously play multiple screens and games, and much more including how to make a living online!

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This book is separated from the chaff of other online poker books by presenting the reader with real strategies, real options, and easy and fun way to join the millions of online players around the globe. Readers learn the five steps to getting started, how to move money in and out of accounts safely, 21 advantages of playing online, how to play for free or for profit, how to simultaneously play multiple screens and games, and much more including how to make a living online! Internet poker has a vastly different strategy that is only glossed over in other books and key topics like playing for real money and side issues are completely ignored. Other topics include Internet-specific strategies, how to sign up and play, different games and levels available, and how to recognize and protect against collusion.

  • Casa editrice Cardoza
  • Codice pokinter
  • Anno 2007
  • Pagine p. 176
