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Learn from the Legends 2 - hardcover

Marin Mihail

When Learn from the Legends was published in 2004, the book became an instant classic and Mihail Marin became known as one of the world’s finest chess authors. In this new book, the Romanian GM shines the spotlight on five more all-time-great players: Leonid Stein, Lev Polugaevsky, David Bronstein, Paul Keres and Lajos Portisch. Much like the first book, the ambitious student can learn a great deal from studying the legends of yesteryear, aided by the author’s expert insights, while more casual readers will enjoy the biographical and best-games compilation of five wonderful chess players.

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When Learn from the Legends was published in 2004, the book became an instant classic and Mihail Marin became known as one of the world’s finest chess authors. In this new book, the Romanian GM shines the spotlight on five more all-time-great players: Leonid Stein, Lev Polugaevsky, David Bronstein, Paul Keres and Lajos Portisch. Much like the first book, the ambitious student can learn a great deal from studying the legends of yesteryear, aided by the author’s expert insights, while more casual readers will enjoy the biographical and best-games compilation of five wonderful chess players.

Mihail Marin became a grandmaster in 1993 and has represented Romania in ten Chess Olympiads. He has long been known as one of the world’s most insightful chess annotators and authors.

  • Casa editrice Quality Chess
  • Codice 8637R
  • Anno 2025
  • Pagine 440
  • Isbn 9781784832162
