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Maneuvering - The Art of Piece Play 2 hand

Find the Best Squares for Your Pieces!

To a large extent, the level of any chessplayer’s skill depends on his or her ability to discover and evaluate positional operations as quickly and correctly as possible.

In this book, premier chess instructor and trainer Mark Dvoretsky examines one of the most important aspects of positional skill, namely the art of playing with pieces, of maneuvering and finding the best squares for your pieces.

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Find the Best Squares for Your Pieces!

To a large extent, the level of any chessplayer’s skill depends on his or her ability to discover and evaluate positional operations as quickly and correctly as possible.

In this book, premier chess instructor and trainer Mark Dvoretsky examines one of the most important aspects of positional skill, namely the art of playing with pieces, of maneuvering and finding the best squares for your pieces.

Training your maneuvering skills will help you at every stage of the game – which is why among the exercises there are opening, middlegame and endgame positions, and not only those that are taken from practical games, but also studies.

The conscientious student, carefully working his or her way through this book, will help improve positional mastery and significantly enhance overall playing skill.

Mark Dvoretsky is considered by many to be the premier chess instructor of our era. His works on the middlegame and endgame have set the standard by which other chess books are measured. He lives with his family in Moscow, Russia.

  • Marca Russell Enterprises
  • Codice 7016_US
  • Anno 2016
  • Pagine p. 212
  • Isbn 9781941270370
