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Mastering Essential Rook Endgames - signed by GM Adrian Mikhalchishin

Mikhalchishin Adrian

This is the 8th and the last part of the Modern Endgame Manual series and it is covering more practical rook endgames, over 100 beautiful studies and 100 exercises where the reader can test his knowledge.

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We are very proud to present the first FIDE-approved endgame manual, written by 3 of the world leading experts: FIDE Senior Trainers IGM Mikhalchishin, IGM Grivas and IGM Balogh. A total of 8 endgame books will take you step-by-step from king & pawn endgames all the way through to extremely complex and materially-unbalanced endgames. Become an expert and learn to enjoy even more the "silent beauty" of the endgame.

This is the 8th and the last part of the Modern Endgame Manual series and it is covering more practical rook endgames, over 100 beautiful studies and 100 exercises where the reader can test his knowledge.

  • Casa editrice Chess Evolution
  • Codice 7326
  • Anno 2019
  • Pagine p. 320
  • Isbn 9786155793103
