Masters of the Chessboard - 2nd hand
Richard Reti

Ristampa 1976 della prima edizione americana (1932)
Libro di seconda mano in buono stato. Notazione descrittiva.
In addition to being a master player and a superb endgame composer, Richard Réti (1889-1929) was the author of two of the greatest chess books ever written: Modern Ideas in Chess (Dover 20638-6) and Masters of the Chessboard. Réti was still working on the present volume at the time of his death, and it is his last and most important book. Containing 70 outstanding games by 23 chess masters, it is both a superb game collection and an illuminating introduction to the principles and technique of chess.
The games themselves give the chess player a historical guide to the development of chess theory; the annotations and analysis by Réti instruct the player in important aspects of the opening and middle game. The games are by players who did the most to shape the course of chess play: Adolf Anderssen, Paul Morphy, Wilhelm Steinitz, Siegbert Tarrasch, Emanuel Lasker, Karl Schlechter, Harry Nelson Pillsbury, Akiba Rubinstein, Aron Nimzowitsch, Savielly Tartakower, José Raoul Capablanca, Richard Réti, Alexander Alekhine, and ten others. The analysis by Réti not only annotates each game, but instructs the reader in the fundamentals of chess: the openings, combinations, open positions, weak points, tempo of development, and more.
Réti was “one of the most profound thinkers upon chess the world has produced,” (Le Temps). His understanding of the game is evident on every page of this book, and this is one book that all chess players will want to have.
Unabridged, unaltered republication of the first (1932) American edition. 79 diagrams. Introduction by Horace Ransom Bigelow. Index.
xi + 436pp. 5⅜ x 8½. Paperbound
- Casa editrice Dover
- Codice 1171us
- Anno 1976
- Pagine 436
- Isbn 0-486-23384-7