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Modern Endgame Studies - Selected for the purposes of practical play

Jaques Mieses

In this book, German-English Grandmaster Mieses has selected 100 fascinating endgame compositions by several of the greatest endgame composers of the age, such as Kubbel, Rinck, Troitzky, the Platov Brothers and many more from the classic period of chess up to the conclusion of World War 1. The material is split into eight chapters, covering all types of endgames. 

All of the studies and the analysis have been re-examined by Carsten Hansen, adding a fascinating new perspective to these classic compositions. There is lots of exciting material to examine and learn from for dedicated students.

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In this book, German-English Grandmaster Mieses has selected 100 fascinating endgame compositions by several of the greatest endgame composers of the age, such as Kubbel, Rinck, Troitzky, the Platov Brothers and many more from the classic period of chess up to the conclusion of World War 1. The material is split into eight chapters, covering all types of endgames. 

All of the studies and the analysis have been re-examined by Carsten Hansen, adding a fascinating new perspective to these classic compositions. There is lots of exciting material to examine and learn from for dedicated students.

  • Casa editrice CarstenChess
  • Codice 8328
  • Anno 2023
  • Pagine 110
  • Isbn 9798398316032
