Mr. Blackburne's Games at Chess (1899)

In all about 400 games are given, and they are divided into three classes-match, off-hand and blindfold games...
Edited, with a biographical sketch and a brief history of blindfold chess by P.Anderson Graham
In all about 400 games are given, and they are divided into three classes-match, off-hand and blindfold games. To these is added a brief selection of problems that have a curious interest of their own, as showing how much the delicate art of problem-composition has changed during the last thirty or forty years. It has now come to be quite a separate department of chess.
At the corner of page 41 will be found a diagram showing White about to offer the sacrifice of his Queen. It is a beautiful position, but the idea of the combination may be traced back to Legal`s famous mate. But the principle must have beeen in Mr. Blackburne`s head when he offered his Queen to Dr. Zukertort. So, likewise, the ncareful student will find that several very brilliant combinations bear resemblance enough to positions in Morphy to show what help had beeen gained from a study of that master. This shows the advantage of acquiring ideas.
- Casa editrice Moravian Chess
- Codice 4275
- Pagine p. 332