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Paul Morphy, a Sketch from the Chess World

Lange Max

The author is Herr MAX LANGE, the well-known editor of the Berlin Schachzeitung. Translated by permission with additional notes and games by Herr Ernest Falkbeer.

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In order to give our readers a more distinct idea of the work, we will here cite the contents of the different chapters, of which, however, the glossaries generally form the greater part.

Chapter I. treats of the chivalrous nature of the game.

Chapter II. compares PAOLO BOI with PAUL MORPHY.

Chapter III. gives five games played by MORPHY in his youth.

Chapter IV. speaks of the Chess Congress in New York in 1857.

Chapter V. relates MORPHY`S triumphs in New York.

Chapter VI. represents the American champion on his return to New Orleans.

Chapter VII. narrates his voyage to, and his arrival in England.

Chapter VIII. enumerates his victories over his English opponents.

Chapter IX. is devoted to the match with Löwenthal.

Chapter X. refers to the Chess Meeting at Birmingham.

Chapter XI. describes the youthful hero`s reception and blindfold performance in the Café de la Régence in Paris.

Chapter XII. contains the games with his French opponents.

Chapter XIII. present a detailed account of the match with HARRWITZ

Chapter XIV. present a detailed account of the match with prof.Anderssen

Chapter XV. expresses the author`s own reflections on the American champion`s extraordinary triumphs and future prospects.

  • Casa editrice Moravian Chess
  • Codice 4274
  • Pagine p. 356
