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Refuting previous sound opening lines with surgical precision - DVD

Dzindzichashvili Roman

In Volume 70: Refuting Previous Sound Opening Lines With Surgical Precision Lines covered in the French, Caro-Kann & Alekhine defense.

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In Volume 70: Refuting Previous Sound Opening Lines With Surgical Precision Lines covered in the French, Caro-Kann & Alekhine defense GrandMaster Roman Dzindzichashvili: * Former two time U.S. Champion & Russian Champion * World Open Winner, Writer & Teacher * Former Chess Coach & Trainer for World Champions Gary Kasparov & Anatoly Karpov Includes FREE: * MasterChess 5000 - VALUE $24.95! - Fully functional chess playing program ``Crafty`` rated 2613 with a searchable data base of over 100,000 top GrandMaster games from 2000 to March 2003. GrandMaster statistical tree also imports & exports games in PGN format. * Bookup Premiere demo - A method of mastering the chess openings. * Blitzin demo - Play chess online with the Internet Chess Club. * Chess Tactic Arts demo - Improve your tactics by solving exercises. * Advanced School of Chess demo - Instructive tutorial on all chess fundamentals. * Chess Mentor demo - Instructional software (like having a private chess coach).

  • Casa editrice ChessDVDs
  • Codice roman70
