The Gambit Guide to the Benko Gambit
Pedersen Steffen

The Benko Gambit has enormous appeal to those who like to take the initiative with the black pieces. Black boldly sacrifices a pawn in the opening, and in return gets a secure position, and attractive prospects both in the short term and in the long term.
The Benko Gambit has enormous appeal to those who like to take the initiative with the black pieces. Black boldly sacrifices a pawn in the opening, and in return gets a secure position, and attractive prospects both in the short term and in the long term.
This book provides complete and even-handed coverage of this popular gambit, using the unique GAMBIT `Quick Summaries` system, introducing the main themes and where appropriate suggesting a coherent repertoire of reliable lines.
the Bogo-Indian.
"The best book to date on the opening" – Glenn Budzinski, CHESS CAFE WEB SITE
"Especially useful for the average club player... readable and intelligible" - Alan Sutton, EN PASSANT
"This book instantly becomes the best source for Benko analysis... if you play the Benko or play against it, you will want this book" - John Watson, INSIDE CHESS
"Another fine opening book... on the cutting edge of 'club player' opening manuals - Monroe Morrison, OPEN FILE
"This book is for the aggressive player who gambits as Black" - Bernard Hanison, CHESS POST
"Highly recommended" - AUSTRALIAN CHESS FORUM
- Casa editrice Gambit
- Codice 4376
- Anno 1999
- Pagine p. 176