The Giants of Power Play - Learn from Topalov, Geller, Bronstein, Alekhine and Morphy
McDonald Neil

The chess world has been blessed with some wonderful strategists, innovators of the game with their instructive play and profound teachings. In The Giants of Strategy, Neil McDonald chooses his selection of the most prominent ones and highlights the major contributions they have made.
Chess Secrets is a series of books which uncover the mysteries of the most important aspects of chess: strategy, attack, opening play and gambits, classical play, endgames and preparation. In each book the author studies a number of great players from chess history who have excelled in a particular field of the game and who have undeniably influenced those who have followed.
In The Giants of Power Play, Neil McDonald selects five players who have excelled in the field of `power play` - the art of putting opponents under constant pressure. The methods of doing so are numerous, including gaining rapid development in return for material to build up an initiative, preparing powerful opening ideas in advance, or even developing completely new opening systems.
McDonald examines the contributions made by each player, their differences in approach and style, and from Morphy to Topalov, how they followed in each other`s footsteps. A study of this book will help you to enhance your skills in one of the most crucial elements of the game.
1 The Dynamic Element
2 Catching the King in the Centre
3 Opening Old (and New) Wounds
4 The Life History of a Knight
5 The Goldilocks Queen
6 Energizing the Pawns
7 A Battering Ram on the f-file
8 Backward Pawns and Indian Bishops
9 The Psychology of Preparation
10 The Art of Surprise
- Casa editrice Everyman Chess
- Codice 6019
- Anno 2009
- Pagine p. 240
- Isbn 9781857445978