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The Modernized Caro-Kann, A Complete Repertoire for Black

Fernandez Daniel

You want to know what is currently happening in the ever-popular Caro-Kann?

British Grandmaster Daniel Hernandez has done a tremendous job and wants to share you his views and incredible novelties in this opening.

You really do not need another book if you want to play or update your knowledge of this dynamic opening!

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You want to know what is currently happening in the ever-popular Caro-Kann?

British Grandmaster Daniel Hernandez has done a tremendous job and wants to share you his views and incredible novelties in this opening.

You really do not need another book if you want to play or update your knowledge of this dynamic opening!

This book is written for the Black side, though new ideas for White are suggested and old ones occasionally improved. It contains not only the author’s personal take on how to deal with all major White tries after 1.e4 c6, but also a range of alternatives for Black to cater for different types of Caro-Kann player. This repertoire builds on the existing state of theory, taking it in novel, exciting and decidedly modern directions, while not forgetting about the opening’s sound strategic underpinnings.

  • Casa editriceThinkers Publishing
  • Codice7198
  • Anno2018
  • Paginep. 416
  • Isbn9789492510259

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