Understanding the sacrifice
Dunnington Angus

Every chess player adores the thrill of the sacrifice, whether this part of a checkmating attack, a defensive measure or simply an attempt to confuse the opponent...
Every chess player adores the thrill of the sacrifice, whether this part of a checkmating attack, a defensive measure or simply an attempt to confuse the opponent. But every sacrifice has a time and a place, and a correct use of sacrifices is a skill possessed by only a precious few. Now you can add yourself to that list! In this ground-breaking book, Angus Dunnington acquaints the reader with key aspects of all kinds of chess sacrifices, including the queen sacrifice, sacrifices in the endgames and the psychology attached to the sacrifce. Read this book and sacrifice with confidence.
- Casa editrice Everyman Chess
- Codice 4726
- Anno 2002
- Pagine p. 143