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Yasser Seirawan Legendary Chess Careers

Karolyi Tibor

In this book, the author drives you through the very rich chess career of Yasser Seirawan while interviewing him. This unique concept makes the book easy to read and gives the reader some inside information about what is happening also off the board, things you normally don't get to know about.

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In this book, the author drives you through the very rich chess career of Yasser Seirawan while interviewing him. This unique concept makes the book easy to read and gives the reader some inside information about what is happening also off the board, things you normally don't get to know about. 

International Master Tibor Károlyi was Hungarian Champion in 1984 and is renowned as an author and trainer. He won the Guardian Book of the Year prize in 2007 and coached Peter Leko until he became a world class grandmaster.

  • Casa editrice Chess Evolution
  • Codice 6916
  • Anno 2016
  • Pagine p. 126
  • Isbn 9788394429041

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