New in Chess Yearbook 135

In his preface of Yearbook 135, editor Jan Timman welcomes two new contributors: "It is always good to see the views of strong grandmasters on opening problems. Gawain Jones is an expert in the King’s Indian and his views on a topical line in this opening are worthwhile. Kaido Külaots in fact wrote one Survey long ago, in Yearbook 68. He restarts with an interesting subject: Fabiano Caruana’s amazing novelty against Ding Liren in Yekaterinburg."
In his own contribution, Timman concentrates on a deep novelty in a topical Symmetrical English that Anish Giri played at the Candidates. He explains how Ian Nepomniachtchi was not put out at all, but improvised, took over, and won.
New In Chess Yearbook, which appears four times a year, contains the latest news in chess openings. Each issue brings you dozens of new ideas on the cutting edge of modern chess opening theory. Have a look at what this issue has to offer.
This issue’s Forum Section opens with a deep analysis of the crucial Candidates game between Ding Liren and Fabiano Caruana, specially made for the Yearbook by last year’s Aeroflot winner Kaido Külaots. There are also two big contributions, on the Slav and on the English Opening, by Bulgarian GM and eminent theoretician Nikolay Ninov. Furthermore, a new contribution by Wayne Gradl from the USA on his all-time favourite Dragon Sicilian. And much more!
From Our Own Correspondent
This special column on correspondence chess by GM Erwin l’Ami features hot-off-the-press material on the Queen’s Indian with 4...Ba6, the London System with the sharp lines that arise after Black’s crucial reply 3...c5 and 4...Qb6, and some audacious black play in the Moscow Slav. Moreover, l’Ami analyses two games that seem to suggest that Tiviakov’s Scandinavian with 3...Qd6 and the French McCutcheon are in heavy weather.
This time Glenn Flear reviews exclusively books on 1.d4 openings. The first one, Attacking with g2-g4 by Dmitry Kryakvin (New In Chess), is quite special, covering quite a lot of ground and is quite inspiring according to Flear. Other reviewed works are M. Chetverik’s interesting book The Complete Bogo-Indian Defence, the high-level Cheparinov’s 1.d4 Volume 1, written by another top-theoretician from Bulgaria, Efstratios Grivas’s Grivas Opening Laboratory Volume 1, which may be the first part of the Greek GM’s ‘magnum opus’, and Ivan Ivanisevic’s Modernized Delayed Benoni, which is full of sharp ideas as you might expect.
1.e4 openings
Sicilian Defence - Moscow Variation 3.Bb5+ Bd7 - Gutman
Sicilian Defence - Early Divergences 5.Bc4 - Olthof
Sicilian Defence - Rossolimo Variation 3.Bb5 g6 - Krykun
Sicilian Defence - Alapin Variation 2...Nf6 - Adams
Caro-Kann Defence - Two Knights Variation 3...Bg4 - Karolyi
Scandinavian Defence - Gubnitsky/Pytel Variation 3...Qd6 - Lukacs and Hazai
Petroff Defence - Marshall Variation 6.Bd3 Bd6 - K.Szabo
Ruy Lopez - Neo-Arkhangelsk Variation 6...Bc5 - Gupta
Italian Game - Two Knights Defence 4.d3 h6 - Bosch
King’s Pawn Openings - Philidor Defence 3...Nf6 & 4...Nbd7 - Fogarasi
King’s Pawn Openings - Two Knights Defence 5...Na5 - Van der Tak
1.d4 openings
Queen’s Gambit Declined... Alatortsev Variation 3...Be7 - Sokolov
Slav Defence - Slow Slav 4.e3 Bf5 - Predke
Tarrasch Defence - Early Divergences 6.dxc5 - Stella
Catalan Opening - Open Variation 6...dxc4 - Ponomariov
Nimzo-Indian Defence - Kmoch Variation 4.f3 d5 - Ilczuk and Panczyk
Queen’s Indian Defence - Bogo-Indian 4.Nbd2 - Ikonnikov
Grünfeld Indian Defence - Exchange Variation 7.Bc4 & 10.h4 - Panczyk and Ilczuk
Grünfeld Indian Defence - Exchange Variation 7.Bc4 & 11.h4 - Abeln
King’s Indian Defence - Classical Variation 9.Ne1 - Jankovic
King’s Indian Defence - Old Main Line 7...exd4 & 9...Nc6 - Ntirlis
King’s Indian Defence - Fianchetto Variation 6...c5 7.d5 - Adorjan and Vegh
King’s Indian Defence - Fianchetto Variation 6...Nc6 - Jones
Benoni Defence - Benko/Volga Gambit 7.e4 0-0 - Karolyi
English Opening - Symmetrical Variation 6.g3 Qb6 - Timman
- Marca New in Chess
- Codice 02135
- Anno 2020
- Pagine p. 256
- Isbn 9789056919047